SEPE Student

A Blessing in Disguise

A Blessing in Disguise

Roni Zelaya is a fourth-year student from the department of Olancho. His father was the pastor of the charismatic church in which he grew up, but he can no longer serve there due to doctrinal differences. He has started a business to support himself while studying at SEPE, selling Olancho’s renowned dairy products in Siguatepeque. His plan is to continue serving here after graduating in December of this year. In this account, he shares more about his salvation testimony and the unique circumstances through which the Lord brought him to SEPE Honduras.

Under His Wing and in Prayer

Under His Wing and in Prayer

Noé Argueta graduated from seminary in 2018 as an international student from El Salvador. He now lives in Siguatepeque, HN with his wife and two daughters, pastoring a church plant in the community of Ocho de Mayo. The name of this church is Iglesia Bíblica el Camino de Cristo, or Way of Christ Bible Church, and it is one of our church partners at MEDA International Missions. Here he shares his testimony of coming to faith and enrolling in the MDiv program at SEPE Honduras.